1. Login into your Blogger/Blogspot account and click Layout.
2. Click Add a Gadget at your sidebar section or other section.
3. Select HTML/JacaScript gadget.
4. Paste your code into Content section and click Save.
You can add multiple widgets of different position, for example Top-Right and Bottom-Right. Just generate the code for both positions and paste it below your previous code.

You can add multiple widgets of different position, for example Top-Right and Bottom-Right. Just generate the code for both positions and paste it below your previous code.
1. Login into your Tumblr account and click on Customize theme.
2. Click on Edit HTML.
3. Scroll the code section to the bottom.
Look for </body> .
Paste your code above it.
4. Your code should look like this.
You can add multiple widgets of different position, for example Top-Right and Bottom-Right. Just generate the code for both positions and paste it.

5. Click Update Preview and then click Save.

Look for </body> .
Paste your code above it.

You can add multiple widgets of different position, for example Top-Right and Bottom-Right. Just generate the code for both positions and paste it.

Wordpress (self-hosted only)
You need to install widget plugin that support HTML and <script> tag.
eg :
You need to install widget plugin that support HTML and <script> tag.
eg :